Become business member

Easy and quick sign-up, simply present these documents in-store.

  • Submit a proof of your company (business card, charter, tax license, liquor license or other government documents)
  • Present a card proof of your identity with a photo.
  • Complete the short identification form and pay the annual membership fee of $ 20 + taxes.

1% immediate discount off your invoice

Your Mayrand Business Member Card now gives you an immediate discount of 1% on invoice, for your purchase of products *.

Upon your membership, discounts apply to your purchases in-store.

Faster, easier, you see your savings with every purchase.

*Discounts apply to purchases excluding Everyday Low Price products. Lotteries, tobacco products, spirits are not subject to the program.

+ 1.5 to 2.5% discounts

In addition, 3 times a year, you will receive 1.5% to 2.5% additional discount Mayrand purchase order:

  • + 1.5% on your purchases*, from $ 1,500 to $ 8,000
  • + 2% on your purchases*, from $ 8,001 to $ 25,000
  • + 2.5% on your purchases*, from $ 25,001 to $ 100,000 **

The amounts are given to you in mid-May, mid-September and mid-January.

*The qualifying purchase amount includes all purchases, both in-store and online. Purchases cumulated over the periods of 4 months. Discounts apply to purchases excluding Everyday Low Price products. Lotteries, tobacco products, spirits are not subject to the program.
**Beyond $ 100,000 per period, Key Account terms may apply.

Program offered to traders, food and catering professionals, contractors, office managers, associations, etc. Annual and renewable membership of $ 20 + taxes: earn immediate benefits from your first purchase!